The Bucks County Orchid Society (BCOS) is a small group of orchid enthusiasts that meet ten times a year in southeast PA to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge about orchid growing. Our membership includes beginners, experienced hobbyists, commercial growers, and AOS judges, who grow their orchids on windowsills, under lights and in greenhouses. Many bring in blooming plants for the show table. Most meetings feature a knowledgeable speaker and a plant raffle.
Meetings are open to the public, and are held on the third Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30pm, at :
Churchville Nature Center
501 Churchville Lane
Churchville, PA 18966
Come Join Us! All experience levels are welcome!
Next Meeting –
Our next meeting will be
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:30pm
Topic: Under Light Orchid Culture at the Swartz Brewery, Edition 2.0; A 21st Century Adaptation of a 19th Century Structure
Speaker: Albert V. Tamashausky
Albert will have plants for sale at the meeting
Churchville Nature Center
501 Churchville Lane
Churchville, PA 18966
Come Join Us!
Upcoming Meetings –
Thursday, March 20, 2025: TBD
Previous Meeting Topics –
January 2025: Orchid Growing Insights: Webinar and Open Forum
December 2024: Cookies and Culture
November 2024: Art Chadwick: “Large Flowered Cattleya Species”
October 2024: “Novelty Cattleyas” An AOS recorded talk featuring Fred Clarke
Sept 2024: BCOS Annual Orchid Potting Party
June 2024: BCOS Awards Program and Pot-Luck Dinner
May 2024: Frank Cervera “Orchid Hunting in Ecuador”
April 2024: Greg Griffis: “12 Orchids Everyone Should Grow”
March 2024: Ed Weber “Oddities of the Orchid World”
February 2024: Steve Arthur “His greenhouse and how to recognize and prevent viruses”
January 2024: Special Event – AOS Outreach Judging at BCOS, AOS Official Judging Event
December 2023: Cookies and Culture
November 2023: Dr. David Carrick “A tour of the Chicago Botanical Gardens Orchid Show with a trip to Hauserman’s Orchid Nursery and Dave’s backyard”
October 2023: Carl Gustafson, “Wait – Is that an Orchid?”
September 2023: BCOS Annual Orchid Potting Party
June 2023: BCOS Awards Program and Pot-Luck Dinner
May 2023: Kim Feddersen “Slippers – Mostly Paphs”
April 2023:: Stuart Hughes “A Retrospective of the 2023 SEPOS Orchid Show”
March 2023: Greg Griffis “Secret Stories of the Orchid World”